Thursday, April 30, 2009

I couldn't wait.

This just in;

I usually blog like once a day, but I came home today from dance class. And I go to Chris:
b: hi piss
c: okay fine no joke for you
b: no tell me

The link above is a news article or something saying that Indians have small "instruments".
Okay let's be rational, and I'm quoting "
about 60% of Indian men have penises which are between three and five centimetres"
So what's that like 2 thumbs spans. Two whole thumbs brah, if I was an indian god forbid I would just use my fingers. Cause I'm pretty sure that's bigger then 2 thumbs. And yes I know I didn't put a capital on "indians". I just believe that don't deserve one. Lol, they're already failing at life as it is. Like everyone is convinced they sweat curry, they have staring disorders and extremely arrogant and did I mention sweat curry. This isn't going help them in one way.
But wait they have a defense "
"It's not size, it's what you do with it that matters," he said."
Okay, but that doesn't change the fact that you smell like curry. Ha, I'm so rat.

No, for the record I know for a fact that there are normal indians. Like the anglo ones. They been brought up in modern way not the traditional culture bullshit that we all love to hate. So ja, I'm done.

xo -b.


ghost said...

Omg you wanker.

Linda said...

LOL you're right. You are rat. lol sweat curry... haha!

Peter said...
